With jus 21 years, Roman Lob has reached what no one imagined. The handsome guy, representing Germany, finally got the 8th place, getting an overall of 110 points from many different countries. And that's amazing, for him and for his country, Germany, which hasn't got bad positions anymore since Lena's first appearance on the European Contest. Just after Spain's performance, it was time to enjoy with one of the sweetest boys I've ever known. The German singer took the satge with the song 'Standing Still', all a sensation in Baku. Even before the Grand Final it was one of the clear favorites to win the contest. His performance was simple, but because of that he made himself so amazing. He showed that he's able to sing whatever they set in front of him, and he finally captured thousands of Europeans' hearts. His performing was quite brilliant, and his voice, a perfect touch for a lovely song that talks about a guy who brokes up with his girlfriend (it could seem very usual, but the way Roman does it makes it so much better) and finally has to stand alone. We all supported them, and I've got to say that he was my favourite. One of my televote sms were for him, and I think it was because of him, his voice, and his master performance on the stage of one of the best Eurovision Song Contests ever. Congrats Roman, you did your best, and we're quite proud of what you are, and what you'll became. You are the best!
La noche del 26 de Mayo se convirtió, como todos saben, en la fiesta de la música a nivel europeo, y si me lo permiten, también a nivel mundial. Pero de entre tanta canción, tanto pop y tanto dance, destacaron dos piezas, por su sencillez, por su marcado carácter melancólico, y por unas melodías trabajadas y evocadoras como nada en este mundo. Hablo de los representantes de Serbia y Bosnia-Herzegovina, quienes representaron a sus países inundando el fabuloso Baku Crystal Hall con una marea de magia y recuerdos.
Maya Sar, la representante bosnia, interpretó el tema 'Korake Ti Znam', en español 'Conozco tus pasos'. Sobre el escenario, un espectacular piano de cola negro, sobre el cual la artista plasmó su balada. Un arreglo instrumental probablemente de diez, una voz muy pulida y una afianción bastante conseguida hiciron las delicias de un público entusiasmado que disfrutó al máximo de esta actuación. Desafortunadamente, la representante bosnia, que actuó en quinta posición, no fue capaz de superar la plaza número 18, con 55 puntos, algo que no se correspondió con su genial y magistral interpretación.
Por su parte, Serbia se coló en un magnífico top 3 de la mano de uno de sus cantantes más internacionales, que además cuenta con una dilatada experiencia eurovisiva. Les hablo de Zeljko Joksimovic, representante de Serbia en 2004, y compositor de las canciones que representaron a Bosnia-Herzegovina en 2006 y finalmente Serbia en 2008, año en el que también presentó la gala. Zeljko, como ya podéis apreciar, es un compositor, cantante, presentador, y todo lo que se le venga encima, muy versátil. De hecho, incluso es capaz de tocar decenas de instrumentos diferentes. Su interpretación de 'Nije Ljubav Stvar' (El amor no es un objeto) fue de las más ovacionadas, y merecidamente, obtuvo una magnífica tercera posición, sólo tras Suecia y Rusia. A decir verdad, he de confesar que uno de los cuatro votos que emití fue para él, dadas las características de su interpretación y lo afinado que sonó el fabuloso tema allá al borde de las aguas del Caspio. En fin, todo fue sensacional.
Lo que vaticinaban las apuestas se tradujo finalmente en un resultado bastante bueno. La sevillana Pastora Solerm obtuvo con su tema 'Quédate Conmigo' la décima posición, puesto que España no lograba desde 2004. La azaña sería mucho mayor si considerásemos que este ha sido uno de los festivales de Eurovisón más competitivos, dinámicos y brillantes de la historia. La cantante de Coría actuó tras Turquía, en la decimonovena posición. Se da la coincidencia (no sabemos si extraña o consensuada) de que nuestro país ha competido en los últimos años ocupando el puesto que ocupó el año anterior el país ganador. La actuación fue brillante, y sin duda, contó con la mayor calidad vocal de la noche, algo que no se corresponde con el puesto que obtuvo. Si por verdadera y pura técnica fuera, hubiese sido digna merecedora de un tercer puesto. Pero en Eurovisión la imagen cuenta, y a mi parecer, la actuación resultó poco dinámica. Creo que Europa echó en falta algo más de movimiento y coreografía, o al menos una pareja de bailarines tan compenetrada como la que aparece en el videoclip oficial. Sea como sea, la pletórica actuación que nos ha llevado a la décima este año ha resultado toda una sensación. Pastora ha afirmado firmemente que sería de su agrado regresar a Eurovisión, tal vez un año de estos, y yomper esta nueva barrera psicológica el décimo puesto que no hemos roto desde 2004. El próximo año a Suecia, y quien sabe si con algún recuerdo dulce, quién sabe si con algún micrófono de cristal (:
Era ya sabido desde hace mucho la multitud de posibilidades con las que contaba Loreen, cantante sueca de origen bereber que, finalmente, anoche ganó en Bakú la Gran Final de la 57 edición del Festival de Eurovisión para su país, Suecia, obteniendo nada más y nada menos que 372 puntos. Una puesta en escena singular, unos efectos de cámara extraordinarios, y lo que es más, un podería vocal de diez y una canción pegadiza y muy potente en escena. ¿El resultado? Una victoria que no ha pasado desapercibida, y que con sus 372 puntos, una cifra astronómica en relación al certamen, ha estado a punto de igualar el record que ya superó Alexander Rybak (387 puntos) en Moscú, 2009.
De nuevo, un compositor sueco firma la canción ganadora, algo que se está haciendo constante y seña de un Festival de Eurovisión que rozó el límite de la perfección con actuaciones de gran nivel, entre las que es digno destacar a Pastora Soler o a Rona Nishliu. Pero sobre todo, la noche fue sueca, y la reina no fue otra que Loreen, que con esta victoria otorga a su país la quinta tras grandes victorias suecas como ocurrión con Waterloo en 1974. Un nuevo capítulo eurovisivo que cerramos hasta el próximo año, nunca mejor dicho, con euforia. ¡Muchas felicidades Loreen!
Yesterday, an overall of 18 countries took the stage inside the new Baku Crystal Hall to fight for a pass to the grand final, to be held at the same place this Saturday. The show, hosted by Eldar Qasimov (2011 winner) and two other famous Azerbaijan presenters, was powerful, colorful, and really spectacular. However, as you can see, there are no important differences between this semifinal and last year's one. The technics are still the same, and though Azerbaijan authorities said that the 2012 edition will be 'different from previous ones', the supposed-to-be 'great' differences have gone unnoticed. But apart from that, the show was very appealing and every performance was simply brilliant. The new stage, the design, and other things have been well-received by everyone. On these days, Baku is involved on the very Europe's music party. Eurovision is in everywhere around the city. So much so that even the local taxis will show the embleme and slogan of this edition as Eurovision stays there.
To present each country, they covered the Baku Crystal Hall with thousands of lights, which formed the flag of every country a few seconds before their respective performance. Some videos were showed to reflect the Azerbaijani culture, according to the music and other local tratditions. The first semifinal started at 9 pm in the evening (12 pm in Baku). After the Eurovision hymn (Te Deum, by Antoine Charpentier) began a presentation about the Azerbaijan and the host city. After that, the hosts presented the event and explained the new voting system. And when everything was ready, Montenegro opened oficially the contest. Among all the countries, we have chosen the following performaces to be shown right here. Anyway, you can find out every performance on eurovision.tv or on Eurovision's Youtube official channel. Enjoy!
The second country taking the stage was Iceland. The northern country was represented by Jonsi (who represented Iceland in 2004 too) and Greta, a professional violinist that astonished Europe with her master performance on the violin. This is, for the moment, one of the favourite countries to get the crystal microphone, and their performance was like this!
After their performance, it was time to welcome miss Eleftheria, representing Greece. The song, as you saw, looks very catchy, and the performance was so attractive. But some pictures look better than a thounsand words, so here you are.
And the fifth place on stage was for Albania. These are bad times for the Balcan country. Recently, some youths died on a bus crash, and that fact has shocked everyone in Albania. The Albanian song was Suus, a magical ballad performed by Rona Nishliu. Rona's voice is one of the best voices I have ever heard. I don't know even why's she able to reach so high notes, as she did. It was fantastic, and much more!
Inmediatly after Rona's performance, the only song in Spanish (apart from Spain's entry) took the stage. The song was performed by the fair leadsinger of the Romanian group Mandinga, and got a place on the grand final. The song is quite rythmic, and the chorus very catchy. I simply love it!
The 8th country on stage was Belgium. The European country was represented by Iris, performing the song Would You. I didn't notice for real about the beauty of this amazing song until I listened to it yesterday night on the semifinal. I have to say it inmediatly captured my whole attention. I'm sorry because she couldn't pass, but she has got at least a good place among European audience, for that great voice.
After Iris, it was great Pernilla who took the stage. The Finnish singer sang the song När Jag Blundar, featuring her brother (on the violonccelo). The song she sang was dedicated to her mother, a complete eurovision fan. The performance was so great, I would say even extraordinary, but unfortunately Pernilla didn't pass. Apart from that, you did your best, Pernilla!
San Marino was represented by Valentina Monetta. The song, titled The Social Network Song (Oh Oh – Uh - Oh Oh) made the audience dance and move. The performance was quite funny, and though she didn't pass the semifinal, we had fun and we had time to smile.
Denmark was represented by Soluna Sammay, a Danish street singer who became famous in her country with just six years. Her performance was maybe the most useful according to the stage using (the pictures they showed during the performing were quite beautiful) and of course, the song is just a very hit. A complete favorite to win, we'll see what happens the Saurday.
Hungary was a very remarkable country. Compact Disco, a band awarded by MTV performed The Sound of our Hearts representing the already mentioned country. The song sound quite good, and they really deserved to pass, as of course they did!
The last country was Ireland. Twice, the northern country was represented by Jedward, those famous twins who made us dance with their 'Lipstick' and another complete hits as 'Bad Behaviour'. Yesterday night they performed Waterline, getting a pass for the final. I hope they win, they really deserve it. Once more, they regneth over Europe's music, and this time, I think the don't let their crown go away!
I see you on Thursday. The Second semifinal seems to be quite exciting!
The other day I amazingly find a beautiful song (don't know who's the composer) performed by Alexander on a Norwegian TV news program. The song is quite short, but being as short as it is, it represents quite good as many feelings as love makes you feel, as many lonely nights as it brings to you, and as many beautiful and grateful smiles as it makes you fake or make. Somehow, that song made me happy meanwhile I was listening, and I just wanted to share it with you. Don't forget that love makes us stronger than we seem, that love is the flame that keeps on shining through the darkness, no matter if it's windy or not, if it's warm or cold. Hold it on your hands, and never let it go! :)
Last Friday, our class, the winner of a history competition at school, went to the most famous monument in Málaga, our city. Me and a friend took our reflex cameras to take some pictures, and now, here you are the results. What do you love the most?